Saturday, January 07, 2012

Cards made in 2011

Another post showing everything I've done since february... lol... maybe I should start blogging a bit more often again.... Well, this time I just want to blog all the cards I made this... ehm... last year.
For Christmas I needed a few small things to give away, so I made these small post it note holders. They were really quick and fun to make.
Here you can see all the postit note holders I made....
This card was for my sister in law's birthday. She plays the guitar and she had just done a project with spiders at school... The left picture is the front of the card, and the right is a peek of the inside...
My niece was one in October.... this is the card I made for her.
This mermaid was for one of Maja's friend's birthday.
...and another mermaid for Susie's friend.
It's always hard to buy prensents for people that have everything... so for my mum's birthday I made her a set of five cards for different occasions. When I think about it, this was probably a stupid thing to do since she is one of the few people that buys cards from me on a regular basis.... The set consisted of:
A wedding card...
a new home card....
a happy birthday card...
another birthday card....
and a card with no sentiment...
they were all decorated on the inside as well...
I think she was pleased with the present, and I know that she has already given some of the cards away.
The next two cards was for Maja's friends too...

And way back in january last year, I made this sliding pop up card for some friends of ours that had a baby girl.
Well.... this was kind of short and sweet... lol... I guess I should have added what stamps (companies) and materials I've used but I can't really be bothered listing all that for all these cards. And I think that would have made for a really boring post as well....


Stephanie said...

You are naughty leaving us for almost a whole year! lol But I'll let you off because it's been an absolute delight seeing all these fabulous cards in one go, look forward to seeing more from you this year ;) xxx

Amy said...

Your work is amazing Tonje! The cards are all wonderful and it's fun seeing all the different styles!

Sonja said...

Det er alltid morsomt å se på de fine kortene du lager. De jeg fikk har vakt stor beundring av de som har fått dem. Jeg har enda et par igjen som jeg sparer til en passende anledning.
Så får vi se om jeg kan klare å lage et par sjøl også etterhvert. Jeg har jo en flink lærer.