Saturday, August 22, 2009

Summer holiday - Sweden and Denmark

It's been a loooong time since my last post, and I apologize for that. The reason is that I've been away almost all summer. 5 1/2 weeks away, divided into two separate holidays... with only two days at home inbetween to wash our clothes, unpack from one holiday and get ready for the next one...

Our firs holiday, was a family holiday, where all four of us went camping in Sweden and Denmark for 2 1/2 weeks. We started out driving to Gothenburg in Sweden where we met up with my brother and his girlfriend for a couple of days. The girls had never been camping before, and we'd bought a new (BIG) tent and camping equipment, so they were all excited. The weather in Gothenburg was irreproachable, almost too hot, but there was a nice beach close to the camping, so we were saved... during the day, that is. In the mornings the tent felt like a bakers oven inside... almost to hot to breathe...
While we were in Gothenburg, we "had to" go to Liseberg, a big amusementpark with lots and lots of fun rides and rollercoasters.... We all had a fun time there. Here we have the whole Johnsen-klan in Liseberg, enjoying the sun:
After a few days in Gothenburg, we moved further east to visit Kolmården Aquarium one day and Kolmården Zoo the next.
I can't really say that I enjoyed the weather there as much... It was raining and it was cold... especially the evenings were freezing. And with nowhere else to go inside than a tent (with no heating), we had a few early nights... snuggling in our sleeping bags reading books in torchlight... well, I was warm enough in my sleeping bag, but hubby had only brought a thin summer bag, and it was too thin for the cold night temperatures....

So we decided to move on to Denmark to see if the weather was any warmer there... but no luck (the first few days anyway). But we didn't let a bit of rain stop us from having fun. Legoland (Billund) was next on our to do list.
In spite of the weather, I think this was the park we all enjoyed the most. There were so much to do and see.
Or, maybe Djurs sommerland was equally good... Here we are in front of "Piraten", it's rated the 5th best rollercoaster in the world! It was awesome!!! wow!
The girls were to young/short for that rollercoaster (Maja was actually really disappointed that she couldn't go on it) so they went for something a bit slower and a bit safer....
There were other rollercoasters for big and small children though, so both Maja and Susie got their chance for some action too. Susie wasn't to enthusiastic about rollercoasters (or things with too much speed) though.
I think feeding the rabbits, here at Family Farm Fun Park ouside Hjørring, was more down her alley...
The last few days of the first holiday was spent with some friends from Norway at a farm in Lørslev, not far from Hjørring (Denmark). This was the most wonderful place, and the people running the farm/guesthouse were really wonderful people. They had a small strawberry patch, and they'd left some strawberries for the children to pick.... much to the girls' delight... In this photo they're on their way to pick some small red ones....
These last days were really lazy days... talking, laughing, enjoying the sunshine, swimming and, of course, wine drinking...
We then took the ferry from Denmark to Norway, spent a night at my parents house before we headed home to get ready for the next trip. I'll write another post about that trip in a few days... I think this post is long enough already...


annemariesquilt said...

Heia Tonje godt å høre fra deg!!
Dere har vært utrolig "flinke ", god lang ferietur med jentene og innom det meste. Vi kan bare skilte med Lego Land med mine jenter.. Jeg har aldri vært glad i familieparker..
Gleder meg til bildene fra Nord Norge, jeg har jo sett litt på din mors blogg.

Turid said...

Så koselig å få se bilder fra den første ferien ... Flott telt! Synd været ikke var bedre, men lite en kan gjøre noe med:-(
To herlig unger dere har!
Min datter var også innom Legoland i sommer;-)
Gleder meg til rapport fra din neste tur;-)

Anonymous said...

Looks like you had a great time! I love all your craft work. I see from your profile that you like cross stitching too, Thought I'd let you know that I have a nice sized Christmas freebie that I have put up for everyone. Look forward to you stopping
by! Enjoy!


Ruth said...

Så hyggelig å "høre" fra deg igjen. Du er tøff som drar på så lang telttur med unger og det hele, men det høres jo ut som om dere har hatt en fin tur til tross for været.

Gleder meg til å lese neste bolk.

Ha en fin søndag.

Sonja said...

Fin tur dere har hatt i Sverige og Danmark. Ungene er jo så greie å reise på tur med.Flotte bilder.

Neste gang får gubben ta med en bedre sovepose,lite hyggelig å fryse seg gjennom natten.
Klem fra mamma.

Linda said...

Hei Tonje!Flotte bilder fra danmark og sverige.Vi har også besøkt begge plasser da våre jenter var små.Kos på teltur.
Tenk nå er det et år siden vi var på hamresanden sammen,som tiden flyr.Ha fine sensommerdager!
Hilden Linda :))

Ginger Patches said...

Looks like you had a lovely holiday or should I say holidays. I love roller coasters that one looks very fun!!!

Matja said...

Her var det masse flotte feriebilde.Ser ut som dere har storkost dere og hatt mange hyggelige opplevelser.Ha en fin uke:)